Thread: Dial 911
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Old 11-02-2019, 08:11 AM   #524
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Agreed. This is what zero-interest rate policy does after a decade and a half.. The USD (along with many other currencies) become toilet paper. If you're a real estate speculator or equities person, you become rich. If you're a retiree or anyone on a fixed income, you are reamed by inflation. Ah, but we measure inflation with a basket of goods made for cheaper and cheaper... The big ticket items, porsches and houses and college and healthcare are nowhere near low inflation.

Since about 2001, developed economies of the world have been printing toilet paper money and embracing asset inflation rather than fixing structural problems. This, along with wrong-headed politics and certain unavoidable effects of globalization and technology is leading to our societal undoing in the US and Western Europe. Extreme politics will not get better, it will get worse...
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