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Old 04-11-2018, 04:16 PM   #1
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Porsche Convertible Top

As you may have seen, a giant branch fell on the Porsche during the windstorm several weeks ago.

Since then, I've been trying to get the top fixed. The dealer begged off, saying they don't replace fabric. They sent me to a somewhat sketchy but apparently well-regarded upholstery shop. This place is old-school auto repair--dirty, run by a woman whose standard demeanor is "massively put out," and staffed by guys who may be geniuses at what they do but basically roll their eyes like 12 year olds whenever you ask them to do something.

So far, so good, right?

Well, the top bow is bent, meaning it isn't just a reskin--it needs at least part of a new frame.

This is utterly baffling to the place it's in now. They've got no idea how or where to order the part.

Meanwhile, the insurance guy also has no idea what to do. He's half-heartedly calling around trying to find info on parts.

So, in the tradition of LMGTFY, I go online.


I am not sure which part it needs, but am fairly certain it's one of these.

I may never see this car again.
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