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Old 04-24-2020, 01:35 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Nick M3 View Post
Going to disagree a little bit here. For the most part, manual BMWs are a thing that exists. So a converted car's value is held down by the fact that almost every car that people want in manual is already available from the factory that way. Like, in terms of older BMWs, about the only one that I can think of that people really cared about and wasn't sold here with a manual is the E38.

A manual benz? Very much a unicorn. Are you going to get back all of that conversion cost? Probably not. But remember that FC's user name used to be "mbr129." This is a car he wants. Bad. And you know what? I love the R129. It's so perfect for what it was designed to be. Just get one from the right year range before they value engineered the price down like $50k, and after they got rid of the biodegradable chassis harness.

Edit: Also, "600SL" reads so much better than "SL600." I understand why they did that, but it was a mistake.
Yeah, I gotta agree. A 600SL with a manual and that exhaust would find a home without much of a problem.
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