Thread: ceramic coating
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Old 04-20-2021, 09:32 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by zach View Post
The damn robins at our place in CT have been attacking the X7 every night and shitting all over it (apparently the males see their reflection and freak out). On top of that, we have hard water there so if I try to wash it off, it just makes a mess. A bunch of folks on the G07 forum have had their cars ceramic coated (opti-coat or similar) which seems to keep the cars looking nice and swirl-free even just using traditional car washes. I'm considering it. Anyone have any experience with it? Thanks!
JV has a Gyeon ceramic coat on his Boxster. I have the same, but still in kit form waiting to be applied.

Tons of high quality ceramic coatings out there, but the quality of the application matters, too. Also more than a few crap products that their manufacturers call ceramic, but are not.

Ceramic coatings don't prevent water spotting. When new and when maintained with toppers, so much water sheets off, that very little is left behind...but there's always going to be some. If the water is hard and it air dries, you'll still get spots. If there's dust or pollen in the air, soft water will also leave spots (although not traditional "water spots") if air dried. Best to use a big and absorbent microfiber or waffleweave (another waffleweavep). There are also a lot of drying aid products that also help.
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

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