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Old 03-27-2008, 09:19 AM   #1
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Future family car / MCS waffling

Since my last waffling thread (I know, it seems like just yesterday), I did a lot of thinking and realized that a lot of the waffling is the result of trying to align short term cars, with a long term fleet goal. And key to the long term fleet is what happens to the family car - that is, what the V70R will be repaced with. Yes, this is 4-5 years down the road but it matters.

The key to my "troubles" is that the V70R fails to deliver as a car that is fun enough of me to drive everyday (mostly becasue of the slushy, but there are a list of other reasons too). I already have to drive it on weekends for shopping, etc and on long trips, so to also use it as a commuter really is too much. I'd wind up driving that car 95% of the time, and no, I definitely don't like it nearly that much. Despite this, the V70R is staying for the next few years. There is nothing out there right now to replace it, and if it existed, would cost as much as the V70R and ZHP are worth combined right now. So for now, it's a no brainer to keep what I have.

The long term solution stems from two choices:

1) We replace the V70R with a wagon that is fun enough for me to like driving most of the time without bitching. Here's where the 535xiT idea comes in. Of course, I'm thinking of next-gen 535xiT with a stickshift, or at the very least a very good Dual-Clutch tranny.

I'd also like to pick up either a used SUV, to fill the voids the sportswagon can't fill (blizzards, mild "offroading", dirty cargo mover, light towing, etc). BTW, as soon as we're sure we're getting another wagon, we would probably buy the SUV ahead of time, since the V70R currently has all the same shortcommings as the 5er would. SUV options would be a 4Runner V8, or a Yukon, or a Wrangelr Unltd (more on this later in another thread).

2) No sportwagon really pans out as something I'm willing to drive often, and so we move on to a nice SUV as the family vehicle. This seems more efficient, since we would have no wagon+SUV, but rather just an SUV. Trouble is, I would rather stab myself to death with a plastic spork than drive a (biggish, slushy) SUV most of the time, requiring a sedan. Nice SUV+reasonably nice sports sedan > 535xiT+used SUV.

The "development" is that yesterday I talked some sense into my wife to allow the next wagon to be MT. Since it would be coupled by a slushy SUV, she cannot say we don't have ONE atomatic (a steadfast req for her).

So, for comparison purposes, I looked up specs on the current 535xiT. At 4100lbs, it is no heavier than a regular CTS, G8, or AWD 3er class sedans. It's also a mid 5-sec 0-60 car, and if I were to need more power, there is always the Dinan upgrade. Basically, on paper this wagon in MT form should be a pretty fun daily driver/family car. If I hit the jackpot and a local dealer has a MT 535xiT I can test drive, I will do so just to get an idea. Another benefit is that this car woudl be a prime opportunity for ED as I'm sure I could save $6K+ on this wagon. It would probably still come in at ~$55K, but it would also be our primary vehicle, so I think it's ok to spend premium money on it.

That's it.


Well, not really. If the 535xiT works out (or say an S6 Avant works), it leaves the door wide open for the unnecessary toy cars. This is the fun part, and the part that reflects back to the near future.

This doesn't affect my sportscar purchase later this year/early next year, since by the time the V70R goes, I would probably look to upgrade that car too (with a 911 or another roadster - MT wagon opens both possibilities now).

An MCS as an extra (4th car) car is a remote possibility. While one could try to justify needing it, it would be a pretty weak argument. It would really be just a toy for my wife. Yes, the sportscar would be my toy car, but I would actually drive the sports car and it's not like my wife wouldn't like it (if we get a P-car). OTOH, if she gets an MCS, I can get whatever I want, but 4 cars, none of them a POS (except maybe the SUV being close to it) would get pretty pricey.

But if we swap the 330i for an MCS in a year or two, that would lead to 4 cars because I know we wouldn't sell the MCS, I would not be prevented from getting my sportscar, and we "need" the wagon and SUV.

Yes, I understand this an extremely spoiled scenario.
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