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Old 06-27-2020, 06:16 PM   #7
Chief title editor
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Plug and patch followed by forget about it.

Patches are generally better than plugs, but I’ve never had a concern or issue putting on many tens of thousands of further miles, including high speed freeway travel in super hot weather, competition, etc.

The only thing I gives me any pause is when the puncture is close to the shoulder.

An of my favorite tire repairs was at the Oscoda Pro Solo a couple summers ago. We drove up on the competition tires. When leaving the site for dinner after registration, tech, and practice starts, we picked up a screw. Found it in the right front when we got to dinner and left the repair until after eating.

A couple amusing videos of the repair in progress (second one is more amusing):

We completed the plug with the tire on the car and lost no air pressure in the process. Did the event with two drivers and no problems, drove from Oscoda to near Albany, NY to Toronto, back to DC, did another two driver Pro Solo a couple weeks later, one more two driver local event, and added another 1k street miles that year. Did another 1k street miles, a single driver Championship Tour and a single driver Pro Solo the following season on them...all without issue.
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

Team WTF?!
What are you gonna do?
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