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Old 08-19-2020, 10:03 AM   #54
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by John V View Post
Not really. They are pretty formulaic. If you keep your speed at or below ~8MPH over the limit they don't even look twice at you. I've gone past a few troopers while towing, doing a GPS-verified 80MPH in a 70 zone with no cars around me and have been ignored. My compatriots that like to cruise at 15 over get tickets -every- -single- -trip-. I've averaged three trips a year across Ohio in the last ten years and I've not once gotten pulled over in the state.
Considering that I commuted in OH for about 3 years, I can verify. Most of my commute home was on I-285, which is the loop freeway around Cinci. I'd leave my office, head into Kentucky on I-471, then connect to 285 to head home. I almost never say a speed trap on 471 or 285 in KY, but there were 3-4 spots where the Ohio State Patrol were frequently visible (probably 75% of the time...).

I usually drive 5 over and never bothered to slow down. I'm pretty sure they don't pull anyone over until people were going at least 10 over. Partly since that was pretty easy pickings -- the one thing I noticed with Ohio drivers is that there were 2 groups:
1) people that drive 5-10 UNDER the limit regardless of where they are (freeway, neighborhood roads, city streets, etc)
2) people that drive 10-20 over on the freeway, but 5-10 under everywhere else.

Since there was nobody that would actually drive the speed limit on city streets and neighborhood roads, lets just say it was frustrating with the traffic they cause!
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