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Old 11-14-2020, 02:55 PM   #1482
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 4,669
My son and I just took about a 12-15 minute test drive by ourselves in this car, I know it’s not a Tesla but it is fully electric so I posted it here.

It is pretty cool car, good acceleration, still pushes your head back due to the instant electric acceleration and overall a really cool car.

It has a regular dashboard and also an iPad like screen in the middle. It is not as fast as the model 3 but the power is good. It doesn’t have the cool feature of seeing the cars around you like the Tesla and I actually like the idea of no dashboard in front of the driver in the model 3 Compared to having the dashboard like this car has.

Strange thing is you buy it from a Polestar dealer (not really a dealer but a rep from what I understand) but all service is done by Volvo who btw does not sell the vehicle

One other note, it felt like a drivers car, nice steering which is adjustable in heaviness and it handled the curves really well.

This electric thing is really growing on me !!

One other note, it is a hatchback and looks much better in person then the pictures, I thought it would be X6 looking but it is much more car like in person

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