Thread: Insurance
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Old 01-17-2015, 07:31 PM   #1
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My wife and I have been with the same auto insurance carrier for 15+ years and it's been a good little while since I last got quotes. When I did it last time, none of the others would have saved us much so we did nothing. With the 2 recent not at fault accidents and her 1 at fault in the 3-5 year range, I thought now might be a good time to get another round of quotes since some of the time based discounts are gone or minimal.

Also, I'm having some bad feelings about our carrier. I'm still ticked about the two days I lost at MVA in September because they couldn't figure out how to send a form to MVA saying my insurance had not lapsed while the repeatedly told me they sent it when they had not. They've also treated my wife kind of poorly re: her crash last week even after the other driver's insurance
Accepted full liability.

I spent a couple hours getting online quotes from 7 or 8 carriers and have another few left to do. All the quotes are for the same coverage (or as close to it as possible) and paid six months at a time. The spread from cheapest to most expensive is pretty incredible with the most expensive nearly three times as much as least expensive. What's also bizarre is the spread in the different line items. Carrier 1 will be way more than Carrier 2 for Coverage A, but they'll be reversed for Coverage B.

Our current premium sits right in the middle of the range.

One of the quotes was almost identical. An agent from that carrier called the house a little while later while I was out and told my wife the quote didn't include all the discounts that should have applied. Well, why the fuck not?

This is such a pain in the ass.
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

Team WTF?!
What are you gonna do?
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