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Old 03-30-2016, 11:08 PM   #51
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800 miles in a day is a lot different than 300 miles without stopping for anything. Even a short walk can really refresh you.

For a 300 mile trip in a Tesla, the question is "is there a supercharger en route?" If so, the trip ain't no thing. Is it as fast as doing it in a gas car? No, probably not. But the actual charging you need to do for a trip like that is pretty minimal. Park car, plug it in, go to the bathroom, get a cup of coffee, check Facebook or 'mudgeons. Then you're on your way. I do a roughly 300 mile trip to NYC 'burbs quite frequently, and it takes me about the same amount of time in the Tesla as it does in the VW. The difference is well within the traffic margin of error.

As for other trips, you just have to plan a bit more than you otherwise would. Is there a supercharger near your route? Is there a charger at your destination? I will say I've literally never encountered "range anxiety," in the sense that I've been worried about running out of juice before reaching a place to charge. Has not happened in 2.5 years of owning the car. Once you know where you're going, you go there. Physics is what it is, and it's easy enough to track your consumption. No surprises.

Like I said above, it's not going to work for everyone, and it does require some changes in behavior. But overall I've been pleasantly surprised by just how little I've had to change how I drive, and on a day to day basis it's actually awesome. Car's always full and ready to go in the morning. At least 350+ days out of the year, the Tesla is a hell of a lot more convenient to refuel than the VW is.
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