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Old 06-30-2020, 10:27 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by equ View Post
Sometimes, having the most of something, e.g. performance, is not necessarily the most fun, not a fan of track-intended cars on the street, especially sport cup 2's, 295 rear widths and several other items. For me I'd take this GTS line over the 718 GT4/Spyder.
Absolutely...except for the tires part, sorta, because it's such an easy/low cost problem to fix. Brand new take offs for cars like these tend to go for nearly new type money and you can put on whatever you want instead. If it's a lease, you buy some used wheels (with or without tires) and go. At lease end, you put the originals back on and done.

But, yeah, you can't use all of a super capable car in public. If you live in a semi-or-more-populated area, good luck having more than an occasional corner or opportunity to flex any of the car's muscles because everyone else in the world is dead set on being in your way and sucking all the fun out of life.

My normal commute is short. There's rarely much traffic, but that traffic often insists on driving at or just below the way-too-low posted speed limit and on the parts that are two lanes, always next to someone else driving the exact same speed.

I often find myself actively wondering why I want to spend money for a enjoyable car when circumstances will prevent me from ever enjoying it. Except when I was commuting in the old NA Miata and constantly thought, why do I need to spend more? Everything "better" is going to suck.
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

Team WTF?!
What are you gonna do?
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