Thread: CarPlay rant
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Old 12-17-2019, 04:11 PM   #29
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by JST View Post
Yes, mine has handwriting recognition. The problem is that it's a multi-stage process to get to the point you can use it. Click "Media," scroll to "External source." Now scroll to "search." That brings up screen with half-a-dozen fields (artist, composer, album, title, etc). Scroll to the one you want, click. THAT brings up an alphabetical list. Now scroll to "Keyword search" and click. At that point you can start drawing letters, which works pretty well for the first letter but at least on mine with my iPhone it just hangs on "please wait" if you try and enter more than one letter.

In contrast, the Tesla has a field on the main screen. Tap that, type the song or artist, off you go.

EDIT: In fairness, the Tesla's iphone integration is essentially non-existent, so if you want to listen to a song on your phone you basically have to use the phone to get to it. But then again, you mostly don't need to do that because the car has its own streaming.
Ah. Yes, doing a keyword search for music with idrive is not fun. I guess I never really did that cause I ended up using Pandora most of the time. When I wanted to find a particular song on my iphone, I actually found it pretty fast to use the idrive wheel to scroll through all the songs and select the one I wanted. That being said, on my F10 (which I think had the same version of idrive as your M3), I vaguely recall being able to use the voice recognition to search for a particular song on my phone. I can't remember the phrasing for it right now (was something like "Play Yellow Submarine from my phone" or something like that). It may have only worked when connected via USB however.

I guess when you have built-in streaming media with keyword search you end up using it a lot. The system's interface and capabilties start to influence the types of things we do with it. Since scrolling through lists was easy with idrive, that's what I did. With tesla, keyword search is easy so that's what you do. With RR, nothing is easy so i rant about
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