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Old 12-12-2019, 09:42 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 4,673
Got pulled over today again in a Porsche... jeez these cars are too fun ... I was in the cayman and traffic came to a stop so I decided to cross the line after the 2 cars in front of me did and go into the hov lane which has only certain places you are allowed to go into it .. I was completely wrong for doing it and didn’t realize that in the hov lane the second car behind me was a cop, of course he pulled me over watching the whole thing and didn’t bother the 2 people in front of me who did it first.

I was calm and told him as soon as he approached the window I knew exactly what I did wrong, he started to tell me Alan pulled a knuckle head move doing that (yes he talked in the 3rd person) and how The Porsche is so small it I could have had an accident and the other cars that did it are big .... he also questioned my PBA card and I explained it was from my brother in law.

When he left my car to do whatever they do I immediately called my brother in law and told him I was pulled over and as i’m talking to him the cop calls him which I watching in the rear view mirror and thinking ok this a relief... because once they call the chance of a ticket is low.

The next thing I know is he comes to my window and hands me my stuff back without my PBA card and tells me how I now need to ask my brother in law for a new card and explain why knuckle head Alan made a mistake and needs a new card,

He said I could give you 5 tickets for what you did and I’m just giving you a warning. He must have mentioned the word Porsche multiple times which was weird but I find this whole thing so very weird. They all want their families protected from getting to tickets yet they take your card away when you do something wrong

It’s a weird punishment thing they do and it is really to each other ... strange as shit yes I need to get a new card but they are also making their fellow police officer feel shitty because the card that could save their family is now being used ... all I could say is it’s strange ....
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