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Old 04-25-2019, 10:00 PM   #24
Chief title editor
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Originally Posted by rumatt View Post
Why do you believe cruise control is safe to use?

Because you're still "driving" and you can override it any time you don't like what it is doing. What about this isn't clear and/or convincing?

It's really not anywhere near as complicated as you're trying to make it.


Was shooting down your implication that anything that could theoretically reduce safety a small amount (or an amount that you cant quantify precisely) is somehow reckless.

Why do you risk the lives of everyone around you by using cruise control? Who told you it was safe?
Please answer seriously so I can copy paste the answer back to you regarding autopilot.
I asked a question. You don't answer and then demand I answer your counter questions? Nice.

I don't understand what's so "complicated" about telling me what makes you believe it's safe enough to use. I really don't.
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Team WTF?!
What are you gonna do?
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