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Old 09-28-2021, 01:17 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Clyde are you using this for storage, I finally got around to cleaning my winter wheels and am now using this thing to store them in the garage, it seems sturdy but it still has me a bit nervous about the label saying it is not for storage.
I have not made enough garage progress yet to start using something like that

I wouldn't worry about it. What is the absolute worst that could happen? Something gives and it partially collapses. The partial collapse would turn your tire stack in the Leaning Tires of Long Island for a moment before momentum carries the top one or two (maybe three) off the stack where they bounce/roll into something else and potentially cause some damage. (Full collapse wouldn't be so bad, they would all just fall straight down, no harm, no foul.)

So, how to protect against the stack falling over? Contractor bag over the stack (basically, upside down)? Industrial Saran Wrap type stuff wrapping the whole set? (Not only do they help contain the tires, but also reduce the tires contact with the air which will help them age slower while in storage. The latter more than the former.) If you have the flexibility in where the stack is located, you can position other items to block the tires or tie a piece of rope around the top tire and anchor it on something. What you're trying to do is help the tires just fall straight down instead of bounce around your garage.

Mostly, I just wouldn't worry about it.
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

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What are you gonna do?
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