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Old 10-25-2018, 08:48 AM   #898
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Originally Posted by rumatt View Post
I vote, "no way, not going back" with one disclaimer.

Only problem is range. It's not what I expected and I have to think and plan around it more than I'm happy about.

So my answer is "not going back but I still need an ice car in the mix... And I hope battery technology keeps improving. "

I find myself doing an annoying level of planning each night:

1. Am I coming home right after work or am I going somewhere else? (city, etc?) if not, keep the charge limit at medium because it's better for battery life
2. If not coming straight home, do I want to have to drive like a grandmother on the trip (driving hard dumps power FAST)? If I do drive like a grandmother, will I make it without having to stop for a charge?
3. if yes to the #2, then I'll set the charge limit higher so I have enough juice to make it
4. If no to #2 I'll keep the charge limit at medium because I need to take an ICE vehicle anyway.

I knew these tradeoffs existed, but they kick in way before I expected them to.
For example, visiting my parents is 180 miles round-trip. I thought that would be easy, but nope.. That's well within the "you gotta plan" zone. I'll need to top it off, drive gently there and back, and not let them do aggressive test drives. Or I can find a destination charger while I'm there (there are no superchargers but one restaurant will let you charge (slowly) if you eat there.)
You've had the car three days, right?

My guess is that the "annoying level of planning each night" will drop off pretty quickly. Get a couple extended drives under your belt and you'll find the solutions. Solutions for the daily stuff will become clear soon. Anxiety will ease and annoyance will lessen. Significantly.

Seems more like you're going through an adjustment phase rather than having a problem.

You know I'm not a Tesla fanboi, apologist, or anything of the sort, so...
OH NOES!!!!!1 MY CAR HAS T3H UND3R5T33R5555!!!!!!1oneone!!!!11

Team WTF?!
What are you gonna do?
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