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Old 04-09-2018, 10:17 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by JST View Post
I'm getting old and crotchety but I just can't see spending the money on even a used F80 M3 for the use cases that you describe. The Golf R is very quick and scratches the itch to drive something manual and fun; I'd look hard at a GTI, which may do the same work for less cash. The bonus there is that you can then replace the Miata with a Boxster or something.

Why no Model 3 in the mix? Not that the answer to every question is "Tesla," but it may be the answer to your specific question.

You've already had a 911, so maybe that's not something you need again. But it would probably work, space-wise.
All good points. And yes, if the plan includes an upgrade to a Boxster, a Tesla could well be the sedan. It covers both the EV front and does have usable range.* I still don't care for the looks of the Model 3 (used Model S?), but the idea of an EV with legitimate range eventually filling that role is a real possibility. The same goes for a non-MT sedan. Let's be honest, MT options are thin nowadays.

*With my son doing travel sports, we often find the eGolf range is too short. This is starting to annoy my wife (and me) when the only alternatives are a loud, uncomfortable, small roadster and a heavy, large, gas-guzzling SUV. A Tesla 3 would solve that.

Last edited by FC; 04-09-2018 at 10:27 AM.
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