Thread: Fire Sale...
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Old 05-10-2014, 02:50 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by John V View Post

Here's what I don't understand about them. For a people hauler or daily driver, why buy an inefficient, heavy, ponderous body-on-frame truck? A lighter unibody style crossover / SUV makes a lot more sense. If you're towing, the 4Runner sucks at that compared to something like a Tahoe or a crew cab pickup truck. A local couple that we race with bought one, towed a 2,000lb miata with it for a year and sold it to get a Ram, because it truly sucked. Soft suspension, no power, etc.

Not to mention... holy mother of god is it ugly.

A neighbor/friend bought a new 4Runner about two years ago to replace his Murano. He was mad at and hated the Murano. Not for the awful CVT in the Murano. Not the horrible ergonomics that make them painful to spend time in. Not the terrible driving dynamics. Not any of the infinite number of things that were actually bad about the vehicle. He hated it because he got stuck in the snow with it once. In his driveway. At the time, he had not quite bald, but worn snow tires. I think that storm produced about five inches of snow. And he was stuck in his driveway.

The only thing he cared about was feeling like he would be unstoppable in the snow. I suggested snow tires and offered to change them in fall and spring in exchange for a beer each time. "No. I have to get rid of that awful thing." He looked at Scoobies, Audis, BMW Xx, shunned domestics, refused Nissan products because they made the Murano. And he loves his 4Runner now.

I don't really get it either. I just acknowledge it.
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