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Old 07-01-2011, 09:51 PM   #5
Elected by grace
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Originally Posted by FC View Post
Same day delivery. I need to squeeze all the action I can out of this trip given that we are leaving two little boys behind.
I picked up same day, too. Had little sleep on the flight over, then took the S-bahn & U-bahn to Da Welt. I arrived about 10:30 with a 3:15 pickup time. I asked the receptionist if I could skip the simulator and other jive protocols since this was my second trip, and after calling someone said he could do it at 11:20 instead. So I pounded down some finger foods with a stiff cup of jamoka, and was rolling out for my 'Victory Lap' around 11:45.

I hadn't used my 15 Euro food voucher yet, so I parked the car in the VIP area and went into the gift shop to get my free key ring with the little woman's name inscribed on it, then loaded up on water and munchies from the cafe. Was on the road by 12:30, eventually arriving around 8pm at my destination. Didn't hit the sack until around midnight. So 36 hours without sleep.

Definitely a crazy schedule, but I've managed to pull it off 5 times now so I'm used to it. Most of it is on adrenalin, so I just have to stop and stretch my legs and get a stiff cup of coffee when I feel like my eyes are glazing over.

Hopefully you're schedule won't be quite as frantic as mine.
The path to God is clear.......and it takes us to the cross.
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