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Old 05-02-2009, 06:26 PM   #4
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Just drove one.

It is nearly as different from the s4 as the m3 (e9x) is from the 335i. I say nearly, because there is a bit more engine similarity. The steering and ride are much better than the s4, though I was wishing for more sidewall than the 19's allow (35 profile ). The clutch is stiff, short and catches right away. The shifter is crisp (for an audi) and very short. First time I felt like I needed a short shifter in my cayman was on the return home.

The car it is most like is the e9x m3. This is likely no coincidence as bmw must have that this car in their sights. It turns in and rides similarly around the street, and yes, at 5/10ths and below it doesn't feel unbalanced or understeery... The engine feels and sounds very similar. I'm not sure how the weight and front-heaviness would come through on limit (which is very hard to get to on a dry spring day test drive with traffic around and michelin ps2 255's). For me, given that I'm keeping a rwd sports car for the foreseeable future, it is a better match than the m3.

- Feels special (sound/looks/engine etc.)
- Steering/ride (great for an audi)

- $$$
- mpgs/range
- Too special (overkill/too fast/hard to park in NYC & area)
- a touch dated (based on 04 platform)
- still no spare , nor does there seem to be room for one
- now I'll have two cars with expensive tire sizes, this bothers me

I'll keep thinking about it. If I get a chance, I'll take one for a real drive.

Also, barring the lack of back seat/trunk, the cayman is still a very good car. Sounds better and feels more natural to drive.
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