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equ 10-10-2006 04:42 PM

beater for equ
I need something to complement the sheer awesomeness of the Cayman (and well spare it from salt and bad weather/roads). I want some luxury and possibly awd so I think it will be an audi. I'm also not going to do crazy miles on this (probably 3000 - 6000/yr) so it doesn't need to be low mileage. I would like it to be reliable though.

1. 98-01 a4 2.8qm. The good: Had an 00, liked it, has lumbar. The bad: Now it's a bit dated, seats are really flat. The clutch sucked, maybe still does. Likely price $8 - 13k.

2. 03 a4 3.0qm. Will drive soon so no comments. Seats seem better, cpo available. Probably too much money for my needs. Likely price $21k.

3. 92-95 ur-s4/s6. A classic so it's cool, 5 cyl 2.2 turbo said to be really reliable. Good torque. Have never driven it. Really really dated and low mileage ones are hard to find. $6 - 12k (for a pristine one).

Any suggestions or comments? Open to non-audis. Have thought about 87-91 325's or 95 m3's but I don't think they complement the 987S as well as these cars.

equ 10-10-2006 09:15 PM

Don't respond here please, I'll continue the waffling on the perseveration forum where it belongs.

rumatt 10-10-2006 09:18 PM

How about a ZHP? :speechle:

EDIT: a mod can move your thread

FC 10-10-2006 09:27 PM

How about a high-mileage '02 3er xi? :dunno: :eeps:

equ 10-11-2006 09:42 AM

Wouldn't a zhp be perfect? Umm, after two, I think I'm done for a while.

FC: I've thought of pretty much exactly what you mentioned. They don't seem as cheap as audis and I'm worried about missing the zhp while in them. Sure I can miss the zhp while in an audi but the associations will be strong in the 3ers.

JST 10-11-2006 10:04 AM

How about a new GTI? Not AWD and slightly more spendy than what you've listed, but would make a fine city car and can easily get around in NY weather with all-season tires. If you are feeling adventurous, a used GTI 1.8T can be had cheap and really is a great little commuter.

equ 10-11-2006 10:07 AM

So I went to an audi dealer yesterday to check out two cars. Once again recall that, as FC puts it, back when I didn't know better, I owned a 00 a4 2.8 for 4+ years happily.

1. 01 a4 2.8, 67k mi, $14k
2. 03 a4 3.0, 45k mi, $23k, cpo, sports pack

2. is kinda out of budget (I mean not really but spending that much is so unnecessary at this point) but it looked great in photos, also I've never experienced the 3.0 and barely the new platform.

1. was out of the pic instantly as I could see the car had had an accident. I drove it anyway. The clutch was engaging maddeningly high, I don't remember how bad my 2.8 was when new but I hate that this is going to potentially kill a good beater for me. I found the gear ratio/torque acceptable, especially for the price. Handled soft but ok. Once again, the deal killers seem to be clutch point and front seats (the cushions are so short, I feel like I'm sitting on a pew).

2. was the surprise. While it was more solid, quieter and had better seats and clutch, it was less fun. Seemed to turn worse with the stiff ride somehow not helping the car stay flat. The most annoying part was the engine and its match to the 6speed. No torque, very very short 1st gear, in general an uneasy car to drive. Sure I'm biased towards the b5, but I really felt it was not an improvement in many ways. I don't think I had disliked the 1.8t in the new platform this much.

On return I saw an imola yellow b5s4 which stole my heart (but not yet my wallet - though when I live in some mediterranean country and become a sponsor of the local p.d., I may go for a yellow Cayman and a yellow s4 to match ;) ) Actually it was tiptronic, so I couldn't test the clutch. Everything from the b5 shape that I like, to the bolstered seats (unavailable on a4) to the gauges and the only acceptable wood trim in a sporty car called out to me. The previous owner had put a nice, subtle exhaust and not oversized bbs rk's. Beautiful.

So there is my favorite before driving. Cons against it:

1. Theft in my area (good neighborhood but still ny/north nj and the porsche will be in a garage and this car will be out). Even my a4 was attempted stolen. I absolutely cannot get yellow or candy blue (nogaro). I may have to debadge, perhaps even replace bumpers and wheels so it looks like an a4, though thieves are probably not that stupid. :dunno: Not sure about security measures so some audi forum searching is in order.

2. Turbo reliability. I hear bad stories. There must be a way around it - like buying one with already replaced turbos.

3. Clutch/shifter/ratios? If it doesn't improve on the 2.8 clutch, I may nix it. Or if I locate a 2.8 that is driveable... :lol:

I could totally see that the zhp has a better suspension and a better only car for me. but I do think the b5s4 complements the cayman better.

I think overall I'd like to stay in the 'teens. Are there any subies I should check out? I think I'd miss the hwy luxury of the audi and would still be prone to theft with wrx'es...

JST 10-11-2006 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119189)
So I went to an audi dealer yesterday to check out two cars. Once again recall that, as FC puts it, back when I didn't know better, I owned a 00 a4 2.8 for 4+ years happily.

1. 01 a4 2.8, 67k mi, $14k
2. 03 a4 3.0, 45k mi, $23k, cpo, sports pack

2. is kinda out of budget (I mean not really but spending that much is so unnecessary at this point) but it looked great in photos, also I've never experienced the 3.0 and barely the new platform.

1. was out of the pic instantly as I could see the car had had an accident. I drove it anyway. The clutch was engaging maddeningly high, I don't remember how bad my 2.8 was when new but I hate that this is going to potentially kill a good beater for me. I found the gear ratio/torque acceptable, especially for the price. Handled soft but ok. Once again, the deal killers seem to be clutch point and front seats (the cushions are so short, I feel like I'm sitting on a pew).

2. was the surprise. While it was more solid, quieter and had better seats and clutch, it was less fun. Seemed to turn worse with the stiff ride somehow not helping the car stay flat. The most annoying part was the engine and its match to the 6speed. No torque, very very short 1st gear, in general an uneasy car to drive. Sure I'm biased towards the b5, but I really felt it was not an improvement in many ways. I don't think I had disliked the 1.8t in the new platform this much.

On return I saw an imola yellow b5s4 which stole my heart (but not yet my wallet - though when I live in some mediterranean country and become a sponsor of the local p.d., I may go for a yellow Cayman and a yellow s4 to match ;) ) Actually it was tiptronic, so I couldn't test the clutch. Everything from the b5 shape that I like, to the bolstered seats (unavailable on a4) to the gauges and the only acceptable wood trim in a sporty car called out to me. The previous owner had put a nice, subtle exhaust and not oversized bbs rk's. Beautiful.

So there is my favorite before driving. Cons against it:

1. Theft in my area (good neighborhood but still ny/north nj and the porsche will be in a garage and this car will be out). Even my a4 was attempted stolen. I absolutely cannot get yellow or candy blue (nogaro). I may have to debadge, perhaps even replace bumpers and wheels so it looks like an a4, though thieves are probably not that stupid. :dunno: Not sure about security measures so some audi forum searching is in order.

2. Turbo reliability. I hear bad stories. There must be a way around it - like buying one with already replaced turbos.

3. Clutch/shifter/ratios? If it doesn't improve on the 2.8 clutch, I may nix it. Or if I locate a 2.8 that is driveable... :lol:

I could totally see that the zhp has a better suspension and a better only car for me. but I do think the b5s4 complements the cayman better.

I think overall I'd like to stay in the 'teens. Are there any subies I should check out? I think I'd miss the hwy luxury of the audi and would still be prone to theft with wrx'es...

You don't want a WRX. They drive like tin boxes and have very little low end (at least the used ones that you'd be looking at). A Legacy GT or Forrester XT might be just the ticket, if you can find one with a stick...but I don't know how easy that is or what those cars go for.

Here's a thought--buy an R32. Yes, it is (much) more expensive than you are considering, but the way those things are clinging to their value you can probably turn around and sell it in 6-12 months for little loss.

Sharp11 10-11-2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119189)
I think overall I'd like to stay in the 'teens. Are there any subies I should check out? I think I'd miss the hwy luxury of the audi and would still be prone to theft with wrx'es...

Foresters and Outbacks are good choices, they come with a stick, they're great in winter, reliable and no one will want to steal it :lol:


equ 10-11-2006 11:56 AM

Sensible suggestions, I guess I should take a look at the 1.8t gti. The audi is a bit of an overkill. New gti makes no sense as I'll be doing minimal miles. This is really going to be a car that's going to sit around a fair bit.

Agreed on the wrx, I was going to include them in the search for completion but my gf already has an impreza (older, cooler one :rolleyes: ) and I feel very little for the wrx interior/exterior. Really dislike the forester. The Leg GT would be an awesome complement to the Cayman, but once again I'd be buying an 05 car to park it. I guess I'll look at the other legacy/outbacks. Are 96-99 to be avoided for the 2.5L issue?

The r32 is a non-starter, happened to drive one last weekend. Felt really bad after the Cayman - even worse than the zhp felt. I advised my friend who owns it to sell at this high price point.

I see that people are thinking of sporty cars, but I really have that covered with the croc. I really think the 1.8gti/bigger subies are the best suggestions so far - though 2.8 audis are quite cheap. Maybe if I buy s4 seats and hack the clutch of the 2.8? :dunno:

Does anyone here have b5s4 experience?

Sharp11 10-11-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119225)
Sensible suggestions, I guess I should take a look at the 1.8t gti. The audi is a bit of an overkill. New gti makes no sense as I'll be doing minimal miles. This is really going to be a car that's going to sit around a fair bit.

Agreed on the wrx, I was going to include them in the search for completion but my gf already has an impreza (older, cooler one :rolleyes: ) and I feel very little for the wrx interior/exterior. Really dislike the forester. The Leg GT would be an awesome complement to the Cayman, but once again I'd be buying an 05 car to park it. I guess I'll look at the other legacy/outbacks. Are 96-99 to be avoided for the 2.5L issue?

The r32 is a non-starter, happened to drive one last weekend. Felt really bad after the Cayman - even worse than the zhp felt. I advised my friend who owns it to sell at this high price point.

I see that people are thinking of sporty cars, but I really have that covered with the croc. I really think the 1.8gti/bigger subies are the best suggestions so far - though 2.8 audis are quite cheap. Maybe if I buy s4 seats and hack the clutch of the 2.8? :dunno:

Does anyone here have b5s4 experience?

Seriously eq, I bought my wife an Outback wagon new in 05. It's the "new" body style with the 2.5 liter flat four.

The car continues to impress - we just took it to VT for several days and it was a competent, quiet and comfortable cruiser. The seats held up really nicely (or should I say our backs held up nicely, which for us is a milestone).

We got great gas mileage, had plenty of room for crafts and antiques (60 plus cubic feet) and good ground clearance for those VT dirt back roads.

For a high vehicle, it handles well, too ( relatively speaking, of course).

A clean Outback wagon with under 20k on the clock should be obtainable in the high teens - heck, I bought ours for 22k new out the door.

A better car for NYC roads and your circumstances would be hard to imagine (otherwise, you may as well have kept the ZHP).


equ 10-12-2006 01:51 PM

I really want a b5s4 avant but between turbos and theft, how about a

X5 3.0 manual? :dunno:

High mileage ones are in the teens. Unlike the b5s4, I don't think the 3.0 has any catastrophe potential. I have done rwd+snows, but this time around I really would like awd. BTW, I have never driven an x5, this whole idea could be shot down in two minutes (just like the a4 3.0).

Flame away..

rumatt 10-12-2006 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119357)
Flame away..

OK, I'll go first. :lol:

If you want a "beater" in the 20K+ range, why the heck did you sell the ZHP???? :toetap:

Is it really just a RWD thing?

equ 10-12-2006 02:25 PM

Not a bad point (and I considered backing out of the sale at various points). I might still regret it strongly.

1. Now that I finally have a dedicated rwd sports car, I would like awd
- I need to drive through snowstorms for the best skiing :ack:
- I'm sick of carrying wheels/tires up to my apartment (no elevator)

2. I plan to drive the CayS quite a bit. This leaves 3 to 5000 miles/year for the second car. I can do that in a car with higher mileage, further along its depreciation curve.

Yes, I may be swayed by just the right rwd bmw (be it a classic or a 5er or sth) and go back to doing two sets of wheels, but I'd rather not. I started out with a 10ish budget and seeing what's out there I may increase to the high teens. That's still 10k less than what I sold my zhp for.

FC 10-12-2006 03:32 PM

I got it. Buy my Saabaru.:D

It has full leather, MT, Xenons, heated seats, 6-CD changer, premium Audio, AWD, cheap to own, better low-end torque than pre-'06 WRX's, looks better than a Subaru, and still has 2.5 years of warranty left. And it is within your budget.;)

It really is the perfect car for you for the money, even if you don't buy mine.

equ 10-12-2006 03:52 PM

That's actually a pretty good idea. Is it quieter/better NVH on the hwy than a regular impreza? I agree that it looks better and the vins start with JF :thumbup:
I'll probably even spring for the turbo one.

I have one issue. They seem to be all 05+, so they haven't depreciated much...

dan 10-12-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119125)
I think it will be an audi.

I would like it to be reliable though.


FC 10-12-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119394)
That's actually a pretty good idea. Is it quieter/better NVH on the hwy than a regular impreza? I agree that it looks better and the vins start with JF :thumbup:
I'll probably even spring for the turbo one.

I have one issue. They seem to be all 05+, so they haven't depreciated much...

Yes. They have added insulation, better carpeting/roof liner, side airbags, and with winter pkg you get heated seats/wipers and exterior mirror defrost - all features you can't get on Subarus. You can also get them with leather, premium sound, xenons, and foglights all part of the premium pkg on the linear. On the Aero (WRX) the options are different, and so it is harder to find an Aero with all the smaller options checked.

As a "beater" I still recommend the Linear (2.5L NA). Better low-end torque, better fuel economy, uses regular instead of premium, absolutely bullet-proof engine/drivetrain reliability, and cheaper insurance by about 20% - and of course, much cheaper to buy. A car like mine ('05) sells for ~$17K (FWIW, it had an MSRP of ~$27K new).

(I have a tow hitch installed and a full set of winter wheels/tires).

Of course, that is your call.

equ 10-12-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by makaveli (Post 119396)

Whatever... My a4 2.8q (now onto its next owner for 2.5 years) has only needed oil changes for 7 years. There is no crazy maintenance on that car. TB every 90k, perhaps clutch and that's it. Some ppl need control arms, I'm not one of those people.

Rob 10-12-2006 05:11 PM

I was just commenting earlier today how my friend's Mercedes CSL 500 has been nearly maintenance free (one bad something or another for the AC fan). That doesn't mean Mercedes in general are suddenly reliable. Until my mechanic tells me Audi's aren't in the shop all the time, they won't get a "reliable" rating in my book. I think you are one of the very fortunate equ, but I woudn't count on getting struck by lightning twice in a row.

lemming 10-12-2006 08:43 PM

how reliable are pre-owned golf 1.8t's?

just curious how they are doing in the marketplace after some time to go out to seed.

FC 10-12-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by lemming (Post 119409)
how reliable are pre-owned golf 1.8t's?

just curious how they are doing in the marketplace after some time to go out to seed.

It's a VW.:rolleyes: It will also be parked in the street and can't be too "desirable."

I tell you, a Sabaru is the way to go.

rumatt 10-13-2006 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119371)
- I'm sick of carrying wheels/tires up to my apartment (no elevator)

:ack: :ack: :ack:

OK, enought said!

wdc330i 10-13-2006 02:03 PM

What about an older e46xiT? They're likely in the teens by now, and the wagon will give you some versatility (perhaps even the ski snood through the seats). Plus, you'll get the BMW plushness you've come to expect. It's no rocket, but it's a solid driver.

equ 10-13-2006 02:30 PM

I'm sure I'd appreciate the steering feel, seats & ride of the bmws. How good are the awd systems of the xi's? I was always under the impression that audi & subaru got it right.

wdc330i 10-13-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by equ (Post 119440)
I'm sure I'd appreciate the steering feel, seats & ride of the bmws. How good are the awd systems of the xi's? I was always under the impression that audi & subaru got it right.

The early system is pretty rudimentary but effective.

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